Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I am not a fan of milestones sometimes. I am not a fan when I read other people's milestones and Madelyn has not accomplished XYZ yet. I always wonder what I am doing wrong. I wonder for half a second and then check back into reality - Nothing! Every child is different and is going to grow and achieve different things at different times in their life. As long as she is healthy that is all that matters.

For instance, she has not rolled yet. She can "roll" to her side. Well mostly just lay on her side. I am not that surprised though because she hated tummy time in the past. She is actually starting to tolerate it more. Which makes us very happy because than we get to see her do this -

This is a milestone for us, her lifting her head so high while on her tummy! woo hoo! She actual likes to do it. She will do it then kick her legs around in excitement.

Our other "milestone" is she holds her bottle. She will hold it in place and sometimes take it out. She tries to put it back in but always hits her cheek! It is really silly. OBVIOUSLY she can not feed herself yet and we would NEVER consider that. But it is really cute to see her trying to hold her own bottle and pulling it out and in. Plus, it really helped when I wanted to move the pillow yesterday! lol :p

Here is some proof -

So yes, this whole post was a shameless awww of my child's "milestones" hope you enjoyed!

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