Saturday, December 26, 2009

37 Weeks... FULL TERM!!!!!

Danielle and I.

How far along? 37 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Total gained is 27.5 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Yes
Sleep: Getting up a few times to pee
Best moment this week: Christmas and Full Term!
Movement: Yes!!
Food cravings: nothing special
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In, but very very shallow, who the heck knows when it will pop
What I miss: feeling in my hands, being able to go out and not be so tired!
What I am looking forward to: Not Working!!

Milestones: Down to single digit weeks! 3 to be exact. Making it to Full Term!!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mommy View

Just thought I would throw out a comparison view!

Mommy View, 23 Weeks!

Mommy View, 36 Weeks!

What a difference!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

36 Weeks

My ugly mug in front of Matt and Monique's tree! I am really starting to look horrible in these pictures!! lol

How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Total gained is 25 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Yes
Sleep: Getting up a few times to pee
Best moment this week: Packing 75% of my hospital bag
Movement: Yes!!
Food cravings: nothing special
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In, but very very shallow, who the heck knows when it will pop
What I miss: feeling in my hands, being able to go out and not be so tired!
What I am looking forward to: Next week is full term!!

Milestones: Down to single digit weeks! 4 to be exact.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

When you are feeling down...

the best cure is a package from your Mommy! <3

I received a package from my Mom yesterday full of goodies for baby girl! She hand made us a purple sweater and a purple/green/pink hat! I love them both and can not wait for baby girl to wear them!

Especially the hat, we are doing a newborn shoot with baby girl after she is here and I have been wanting a cool hat for her to wear. Now I have it and it was made by Mom! So much better!!!

Take a look!!!!

The hat!

The sweater!

The hat and sweater!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

35 Weeks

How far along?
35 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Total gained is 25.5 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Yes
Sleep: Getting up a few times to pee
Best moment this week: Seeing Baby Girl on the ultrasound again... :)
Movement: Yes!!
Food cravings: nothing special
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In, but very very shallow, I am sure it will be popping soon.
What I miss: feeling in my hands, being able to go out and not be so tired!
What I am looking forward to: Being another week closer!

Milestones: 35/35!!! Down to single digit weeks! 5 to be exact.

Friday, December 11, 2009

35/35 !!

Today is 35/35 (points to ticker at the bottom of blog). That means I am 35 Weeks and I have 35 days until my due date! Wow!!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My Doctors Should Know Better...

then to scare me shitless! haha.

So yesterday was our normal weekly checkup. As the doctor was feeling my belly for the babe, his face dropped to an expressionless mess. He says in a low monotone "ohh, your baby is BIG and we need to get you in for an ultrasound", umm sir, I was 7 lbs, that's not going to work for me. He just stared at me so I said "okay, I cry with a paper cut, a big baby, I will be in for some huge trouble" again just stares.. So I sat there and hyperventilated and Eric laughed away to the end of the appointment.

We went in yesterday afternoon for the ultrasound, major bonus that we got to see baby girl again but I was still nervous. So the tech is doing all the measuring etc... and at the end tells us baby girl's size. Yea she is only 5 lbs 12 ozs and is in the 67th percentile which is in the middle and perfectly fine. She said in her opinion the baby is fine and not big. A feeling of ease rushed over me!

Eric and I were wondering why the Doctor thought she was so big then. Tech said that because I am sooo short there is no room really for the baby now. So if you feel my belly basically all you feel is baby... her back, butt etc... so it feels like a big baby. But if I was taller there would be more room and the baby would feel regular.

We did get a picture, of her foot!!!! haha.. She was facing my back so we were not able to get any good face pictures. But I love feet! Eric joked that she has his feet! Poor girl!!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


So today I had unusual energy. It all started because I wanted to do the dishes. So I did the dishes. Then I cleaned off the counter, noticing that the ledge needed to be cleaned. So I cleaned that, well then I did not like the way the counter was set up and I wanted to move some things. Moving some things meant cleaning the hutch. Cleaning the hutch meant cleaning the side cart, which ultimately made me go through our mugs and make a pile for goodwill! And thus I came to the theory that I was nesting.

I never have energy and if I do, I certainly do not utilize it on cleaning. I loath cleaning, it is my arch enemy! So logic says I was nesting... but Mom says nesting is a sign of the baby being ready... hmmmm... I still have 6 weeks to go! I am not ready, so I stopped and sat on the couch LOL Sat on the couch for an hour or so and couldn't take it anymore. So I moved some stuff out of the living room and threw out more unnecessary items! Then 2 more people commented on how I must be nesting and that means the baby could be coming soon. Again, I thought to myself... NOO this is a January baby not a DECEMBER baby... no jipping my kid on presents!!! lol

So I stopped again, had some lunch and began football Sunday. But I was bored.. so I wrote out all the Christmas Cards and got them ready to be mailed! Wow, it's December 6th and I am ready to mail Christmas Cards?!? Oh lordy! Well I figure it's okay, since we got 2 in the mail last week. So at least I am not the only one being early!!

And now, I am waiting for the Brownies to come out the oven.... oh man.. who the hell made up this nesting thing....

P.S. in case you didn't believe me...

Here is my hutch, if you have been to my house and seen this hutch, you know this is like a brand new looking hutch!

and here is the cart.. again if you have been here this is unusual...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

34 Weeks

How far along? 34 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Total gained is 25.5 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Yes
Sleep: Getting up a few times to pee
Best moment this week: getting most of Baby Girl's things away, it's coming together
Movement: Yes!!
Food cravings: nothing special
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In, but very very shallow, I am sure it will be popping soon.
What I miss: feeling in my hands, being able to go out and not be so tired!
What I am looking forward to: My appointment on Tuesday, Getting everything cleaned and finalized

Milestones: Down to single digit weeks! 6 to be exact.