Monday, January 24, 2011

Dear Madelyn,

Today you turned one. You have been here for 12 months. Those have been the best 12 months of my life. You have changed so much since the time we brought you home. You are bigger, happier, and very much your own person. You love to laugh and giggle, smile, and flirt. You love to eat! You love to play with all your toys every day. You love to sing and dance. At this point your passion is definitely music. You love it. Every time it comes on you dance. Any kind of music. It could be from a commercial, the radio, a cell phone, a toy, or our voices. You dance. You love it. The joy on your face, make everything that was hard over the past 12 months more then worth it.

You are loved little one by so many and do not ever forget that. We love you right down to our bones. No matter what we will always be there for you.

Happy Birthday to you my sweet angel, happy birthday.

Love, Mom xoxo

Monday, January 17, 2011

Birthday Party

We had Monkey's party yesterday. Her birthday is on the 24th but this past weekend was easier for us than next. After my initial meltdown we did good. I am not good with stress and there was just to much of it in the beginning for me to be calm. Thank the ever loving lord that my mother was there because if she wasn't I am pretty sure I would have just said "SCREW THIS" and left.

Family and friends came with arms of gifts. Madelyn is really loved, she got so much! I got to see some of my close friends that I really miss. One of which is pregnant and honestly radiant. It was nice to spend more time with my brother and sister-in-law than I normally do. We should fix that. Everyone talked and seemed genuinely happy to be there. I hope everyone had a good time. Madelyn did great. I thought for sure she was going to be really clingy but she wasn't. I don't think I held her for more than five minutes. She just went from person to person.

She had her first cupcake.... she liked the frosting but not the cake part.. I am not shocked as I do the same!!!! She had some ice cream too, she loved that. I don't have a lot of pictures because I was running around.... but here goes the few I have...

Mmmmm Frosting...

I think I will just play with the cake instead....

She liked ice cream cake mustaches..

Thursday, January 13, 2011


It is no secret to most that I love the snow. Winter is my favorite. Honestly, I am not sure why people don't like it especially when we live in New England where it snows a ton! So we had a ton of snow Tuesday Night/Wednesday. Probably the most snow I have seen. We got 20 inches here. It was awesome. We took the baby out to play last night after work. I know it looks dark but it was only 5pm.

Attempting to crawl in the snow!

She loves to swing even in the snow!

Monday, January 10, 2011

I am a Mom.

Some days I can not believe I am a Mom. I can not believe I can love someone as much as I do. I can not believe that every decision I make, I now consider her.

As I walked through our apartment last night on my way to bed, I noticed things. I noticed the high chair and smiled. I noticed the sippy cup and bottle rack and smiled. I went into the bathroom and noticed the toys in the tub and smiled. When I got to the bedroom, I saw a peacefully sleeping child and smiled. I went to bed and dreamed sweet dreams of being a Mom. Some days it just hits me, that I am a Mom.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Hey to the very few readers I have!
I am back. I don't know what happened but I just "went away" for a while. I have had a lot of stress with work and have been battling anxiety. We are doing something really big as well, and that takes a lot of my energy. This morning, I just felt like i wanted to get back to the blog, so here goes!

My baby is going to be ONE in basically 2 weeks. ONE, did you read that right? ONE! I can not believe it. 2010 was the best year of my life. I can not even comprehend how fast this all went. Madelyn is her own person now. Not that she ever wasn't but you know what I mean! She is playful, happy 90% of the time, she loves to giggle, she loves to play. She plays with others or on her own. She is very independent sometimes. She can be stubborn and dramatic. She is wonderful. I love her more than anything right down through my bones.

She finally has a bed time! She never did before, she just sort of went to bed whenever! Now she is in bed by 8 every night unless we are out later For example New Years Eve! but she will go down right when we get home. It has made a world of difference. After she does to bed, I pick up her toys and make the living room not look like a disaster area. I love it, I love going to my work desk in the morning and not having to trip over toys! One of the best things about her bed time, Eric and I watched a movie last night! Together! without the baby! It was divine!

Well I wish all of you readers again the very few of you, which are actually family i believe, ha a very wonderful New Year. May 2011 bring you all that YOU wish for. I have a few on my list and I am hoping they will work out. It is going to be hard to top 2010 and I don't think I ever will but we will sure try!

I will leave you with some pictures from the past few months. BTW, please don't steal my pictures, get your own beautiful baby!!!!

Spaghetti Head!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Get me away from Santa!!!

Merry Christmas!