Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thankful Thursday

It's that time again to be thankful, no it's not Thanksgiving! It is Thankful Thursday!

*I am thankful for clear blue skies! I loathe the rain.

*I am thankful for giggles from the Monkey! (Disclaimer - I will always have something about her in Thankful Thursdays!)

*I am thankful for spring. As much as I love snow and winter, I equally love being outside in nice weather. Here are some spring time flowers. Also, I love tulips!

War With Myself

***Disclaimer - If my brother is about to read this, there is a lot of talk about my boobs and I am sure you do not want to read it. Have Mo give you a recap if you do! haha! Over share warning!

Currently I am having an internal battle with myself.

Background - I breastfed Madelyn in the hospital when she was first born. It was four days of complete torture. It hurt every.single.time. She did not latch correctly and her mouth would never open wide enough for my nipple. By day 4 in the hospital I was about to slip into depression. I wouldn't leave the shower because I didn't want to have to breastfeed again. So I made the decision with the help of my husband and a wonderful nurse to exclusively pump. I was still providing my daughter with the positives of breast milk and I was not in anguish from putting her on the boob.

At first it was great. I was not crying while trying to feed my daughter. My wonderful husband could get up and feed Madelyn in the middle of the night and during the day. I had help. It felt good on all accounts. Three Months later - not so much. I am sick and tired of it and I feel selfish for feeling like that. I first started pumping every 3 hours which you need to do to establish a supply. Then around the 2 month mark, I went to every 4 hours. Now I am down to every 5 hours and my supply dropped a lot from this.

I now feel guilty, selfish, and like I am a horrible person. I am not producing a lot since I switched to every 5 hours. Which is fine because I had an oversupply in the beginning and I have a pretty generous freezer stash. Plus, we have to start to use the older milk now anyway.

But I feel like I am "letting" my daughter down by starting the weaning process. I am petrified for some unknown reason to give her formula. I know formula now a days is fine and has tons of nutrients as well. I know a few babies that are fine and they are formula fed. So why do I feel so bad?

I cry daily over the fact that I am almost done pumping. Then two seconds later I am delighted that I will be done pumping. I go back and forth My husband tells me to do whatever I want and he is fine with whatever I decide. Which is awesome and I appreciate that he is not overbearing in this situation but I have NO CLUE what I want.

So lets make a list of the pros in cons to me -

Positives -
I love providing my daughter with breast milk. I am very proud of my decision to pump instead of throwing in the towel all together. I have reached my goal of 3 months (Yay me!). I love that it is free.

Negatives -
I hate that I am strapped to a machine. I hate that I leak everywhere. I hate that I feel like a cow being milked. I hate that I can not go out for extended periods of time without bringing the pump. I hate that my boobs ALWAYS hurt. I hate that my nipples look disgusting.

Not sure if this is a pro or con - I feel it is the only thing that connects me with my daughter, I feel like it is the only thing "I am good for"...

DING DING DING - I think that's my issue.....

Monday, April 26, 2010

McFatty Monday

Okay, so Blair, the blog I am obsessed with, has McFatty Monday. Every Monday she has a post about the weight she has lost and how etc... It's nice to get ideas as other people post their blogs with their stories as well.

Well I need to lose weight. I am beginning to become unhealthy because of my size. Okay maybe I already am unhealthy. I am 6 pounds (as of this morning) from my pre-pregnancy weight. Which I think is good to have lost all of that in 13 weeks but it's not enough. So each week I will write about my weight loss on Monday's. What I did to achieve it etc. My hope is to not gain but always to stay the same or lose. So hopefully I will be able to achieve that.

I know I am "big boned" so I know I will never be a "skinny mini" but dang it I want to feel good.

In short, I want to be able to run around with Madelyn all day and not be tired. I want to run beside her when she learns to ride a bike. I want to be able to run up and down the basketball court with her or around the softball diamond. Simply put - I just want to be there and be there healthy!

So my starting weight as of this morning is 193.
My mini goal is 175
My huge goal is 150
My doctor's goal is 130! eek!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Past Weekend

We went to Maine over the weekend to visit my Mom and Jeff. The ride up was okay, Madelyn slept the first hour and than was up for the rest of the time. It was difficult when she was crying. The end leg of the way Eric was in the back with her. Our normal 4 hour trip took 6 hours but that was to be expected. This was our trial run. We are going again in June and August so we wanted to get one under our belt. The ride home was much smoother. She slept about 3 hours. It took us 5 hours to get home. This was because of the stop we had to make to feed and change Madelyn. So it was good to go up. It was good to know that our trip will take longer than 4 hours. That our stops that used to be 10 minutes tops are now an hour. But it was all worth it.

We had a wonderful time and I am sure Mom and Jeff did too.

Madelyn and Grampa (Jeff) sleeping on Friday Night..

Madelyn and Baxter taking a nap on Saturday

Madelyn and Gramma getting sick of the camera!!!

Some high flying to end the weekend...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I guess it is Thankful Thursday again, so much for me blogging more! haha..
Anywho, very tough week so these will be limited...

* I am thankful for our trip to Maine this weekend! It will be Madelyn's first!

* I am thankful for the new wedge for Madelyn's crib. Helps her sleep much better!

* I am thankful the Spurs won last night otherwise Eric would have been a BEAR today.

* I am thankful the sun is out today so we can take a walk after work!

* I am thankful we are having breakfast for dinner. MMMM Bacon!!!

* I am always thankful for my little Monkey!! Like her tongue! lol

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I am going to start blogging more *I hope*.
One way I am going to do that is do Thankful Thursday. I have gotten this idea from a few blogs I read. Basically every Thursday I will just write out some things I am thankful for.

I feel this is a good idea because a lot of times the negative in life overpowers the positive. If I say what I am thankful for every week then I am remembering the positive things in my life and making my heart happy!
Feel free to add your own to comments if you would like!

1. I am thankful for sweet morning giggles with my little girl
2. I am thankful for the new bond I have with my husband as a result of our sweet little girl.
3. I am thankful for play dates with our friend, hopefully making an early friendship for our children.

(Patrick and Madelyn, although Madelyn isn't looking)

4. I am thankful for our new chest freezer!!! This means we have our fridge freezer back!!!!
5. I am thankful for our new Beco Carrier! I love walking with baby girl so close to me!

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I have decided that one of the greatest things in life are smiles! Here is proof....