Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I know I haven't posted in a while and I have updates and pictures to put up but time has gotten away from me. I did however want to post about yesterday. Yesterday was Madelyn's first day at daycare and Eric's first day of classes.

I am so proud of both of them!

Madelyn did great! We had visited with the teachers and other kids last week twice. This was to get her used to everything. I think that really helped her transition into the daycare yesterday. She played with the other kids and even took a nap in her crib! The teacher is great, she had a note "written" from Madelyn to send home with pictures from the day! It was really nice! Especially since I was so nervous! I only called to check in twice! I am proud of myself! All in all she hardly cried and had a great first day! Glad the first one is behind us!

As for Eric, he said his first day was good as well. Just basic stuff. I am glad he is back in school though! So happy for him!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I know I am a little late and it's already been a week but oh well, life is always chaotic now.
Last week we were in Maine on vacation. My mom lives on a lake and we went to visit her. Vacations with free room are the best. lol. Love you Mom!

Anyway, we went to a baseball game, wildlife park, did some shopping, hung out in lakes, went to lighthouses, and relaxed and enjoyed our time with family.

It was simple yet perfect.

Crystal Lake at Night

Looking up at Portland Headlight

Madelyn and I
Align Center
Madelyn and Daddy

Madelyn loves Baxter!

Madelyn floating in the Lake

Madelyn and Gram

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Officially Done

I was an Exclusive Pumper for 6 months 2 weeks! I am so very proud of myself. I really didn't think I was ever going to make it to my goal of 6 months!

At the beginning it was so hard to keep pumping. I had to bring the pump EVERYWHERE. I had to pump in random places and in parking lots. I felt like a COW getting MILKED! BUT I pushed through. I set a mini goal and a big goal. My big goal was 6 months!

I went through several emotions during this time.
See here.
I am truly happy with the decision to end now. I have no anxiety about it at all. We have a freezer stash, so Madelyn will continue to have breast milk for some time. We have some samples of formula as well. So we will start with those when the time comes and see what works best for her.

She is healthy and in the end that's all that matters.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thankful Thursday

* I am thankful to be on VACATION!!!!!! It is pure bliss to not have to worry about work. I am pretty sad it is already Thursday though. This means Monday is right around the freaking corner.

* I am thankful that my mom lives on and near lakes. Monkey had an awesome time on Sebago Lake yesterday. She really had a blast, splashing, kicking, and giggling. I am pretty sure she would have stayed in her float in the lake all day if we let her. Hopefully more of that today!

* I am thankful that I get to continue a tradition I had with my father and extend it to my daughter. Every time we went to Maine in the summer we went to a Portland Seadogs Game. Last night was no different. Madelyn did great. She didn't cry or anything. She is a champ!

Hopefully, I will update y'all when I return with pictures! Enjoy the rest of the week and weekend. I know I will!