Friday, October 28, 2011


We travel the same way home from my Gram's every time we are there. This past Saturday as I was driving, I decided I wanted to stop at the playground that is on the way. Eric is was up to it and I knew Madelyn would be happy. So we stopped.

Madelyn went down and up slides, played in the sand, ran around and swung. She loves the swings, they are her favorite. She never wants to get off and giggles just about the entire time she on them. Although this trip, she went up and down a slide about a million times. She was excited because she could climb to it on her own and it was fairly small.

We didn't have the regular camera, just my cell, but of course we still snapped some shots. Here is my darling daughter expressing her joy of the swings..

Thursday, October 27, 2011


This morning I was very proud of my wonderful daughter.
We have been on the maybe we are potty training ride for a while now. We sit her on her potty all the time and she knows what it is. Daycare has her sit every diaper change as well. She has gone a few times at home and a few times at daycare. But we have not been very consistent with it.

So last night, Madelyn started yelling "peeeee" at me. So I asked her if she had to go pee, her response was to try and take her jammies off. So I got them off and took off her diaper. Put her on the potty and she indeed went "peeeeee"! She was so happy, we were so happy.

I told her after that, to let me know whenever she had to go pee and we would. She smiled, I wasn't sure if she knew what I was talking about but what the heck right!?

So this morning, after we woke up, I asked her if she had to pee. She jumped off the bed and made a beeline for the bathroom. I took off the jammies and the diaper. She said on the potty and peed!

I am so proud of her, she is really starting to get this whole potty business. I hope it keeps up! She hates wearing a diaper and I hate paying for them :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my Mom's birthday! She is amazing. She is always there for me when I need her. She understands me, listens to me, and even gives me advice. She is a loving Grandma. She is smart, funny, honest, sincere, and TALENTED!

Happy Birthday Mom! Wish we were there to celebrate. I miss you and I love you! Thank you for always being there for me.







We went pumpkin picking over the weekend. We got to ride the tractor out to the field and then pick some pumpkins. It was fun except for the fact that it was muddy and my daughter is the ONLY one that fell into the mud. ahh the joys!

So we picked out one large pumpkin so we can carve it and then we let Madelyn pick a little one which turned into three little ones! Once we were home and they were on the porch, all she wanted to do was put them on her head. Here are some pictures of her trying to do so! lol The greenish pumpkin, is one that my Mom brought down for Madelyn.