Friday, June 25, 2010


Hey All,

Our computer crashed! I may be MIA for a bit. I can post from work just can't upload any pictures!

We went to the Bronx Zoo on Wednesday and had a great time. So I wanted to post about that with some pictures! Hopefully soon!

PS - It's my 100th Post today! Wooooo!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Do you want to know what's hardcore?

Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred!!!

I picked it up on Sunday at Wally World and started it yesterday. I felt the Wii Fit wasn't really doing much. Everyone kept talking about the 30 Day Shred, so I figured it must be good.

It is NO JOKE, it is intense, and damn it, it is hell!!!!!! Dear Lord, Jillian Michaels is the DEVIL!!

But..... it is also AWESOME! I never feel like I am not working hard. I have to push myself just to get past the warm up and than through interval 1, than really push to go through interval 2, and if I make it to interval 3 but golly I am going to finish!!

I am PETRIFIED to see what levels 2 and 3 hold but that won't be for some time. I need to be able to get through level 1 without thinking I will collapse at any second first!!!

So 2 days in and I feel I can stick with it! I hope so! Wish me luck!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful father's out there!

Happy FIRST Father's Day to my hubby! Eric you are amazing with Madelyn and I couldn't have hoped for a better father. She loves you to pieces and you can tell every time she is with you. I know you will continue to make me proud in being such a terrific father to her! I love you!

Happy Father's Day to my Daddy! I love you and miss you more than words can express. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you! I wish you were here to enjoy this wonderful time with me. I know you are watching over us though. Miss you! RIP

Friday, June 18, 2010

Monkey's New Toy

So we finally got Madelyn a jumperoo. I have been wanting to get her one for a while now. She likes to play with more things and to be standing. Her swing is a bit boring for her but the bouncer is still good. She liked to hold onto the toys attached and move them etc.

We went to BRU to get a different jumperoo but they didn't have it. I really wanted one yesterday so I told Eric we weren't leaving without one. We looked at them all and the
Baby Einstein one looked the best. It had bright colors, music, and toys. The best part though and the winning factor was price. It was regularly $89.99. It was on sale for $76.49, we had a 20% off coupon, and $5.00 "R Us Dollars". So it was only $56.xx!!! Plus, we used a gift card!

Eric put it together once we got home and Madelyn was in it. She was checking it out and found the frog that is on it. The frog spins. I showed her how to spin it. She really didn't care that it spun. She just wanted it in her mouth! She puts EVERYTHING in her mouth, so I was not surprised by that. What did surprise me was how PISSED OFF she got because it wouldn't go in her mouth. She started to hit it and spin it and was really really mad. We managed to caption a few pictures of her pissed off, I think Eric even took a video. After a little bit of her trying to kill the frog, I took her out of the seat. I felt like we were teasing her.

Eric put her in it for a second this morning, maybe she forgot about the frog? NOPE! She tried again! Poor Kid!

Here's a picture of her trying to eat said frog!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thankful Thursday

So far, this week has not been to bad. I am pretty excited about that. It has gone by fairly fast as well! Most of what I am thankful for this week is totally random but it is what it is!

* I am thankful for The Bump! I know that sounds nuts! But seriously without the message boards (BOTB and currently 3-6) I am not sure I would have gotten through pregnancy and these first few months of being a Mom. They answered so many questions. The reason I am putting this out there today is because someone suggested a few ways to get Monkey to take naps better. She was taking them in her father's arms, not exactly ideal. I am proud to say for 2 days now she has taken ALL naps in her crib!!

* I will probably never say this again but I am thankful Monkey woke up at 6 this morning. I had to get up and there was no point in going back to bed until 7. So I worked out! I have been meaning to try it out in the morning and have had no motivation. Well after my workout I felt so good and refreshed that I think & hope I will continue every morning!

* I am thankful for good salad dressing. Yes I know TOTALLY random but we found some new dressings we like and now I eat salad everyday. If you know me, you know that's HUGE.

* I am thankful I actually took the time yesterday and got our eye appointment and our attorney appointment set up. I have been procrastinating each and it was time! I hope our new eye doctor is nice!

* I am thankful for hair ties. I hate having my hair down lately as it seems to always be in the way but I am to chickenshit to cut it super short.

*As always I am thankful for the hubby and my monkey!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

We Caved into the Madness of....


Everyone is always raving about the Sophie. Going on and on and on about how it is awesome and their children love it. It is a good toy for teething.

We have discussed getting it several times but didn't see the point in spending the money on a "glorified dog toy". So we tried other teethers. She could not keep most of them in her mouth or her little hands around them. She loves her Tigger but she wanted something else too. So we tried a billion teethers that we had. Most of them were complete fails. She really enjoyed a set of Monkey keys but we lost them. I know parenting FAIL! haha. We looked everywhere for them but they have gone to lost toys (it's just the beginning) heaven.

So anyway, back to the Sophie saga. We went to BRU over the weekend. We had a 20% off coupon, so I knew we would be buying something! I mean it's a coupon! hahaha. We were cruising through the "teether" section and Eric saw the Sophie. He literally screamed "Stac it's the Sophie!". I picked it up and stared in amazement (BRU didn't sell them before, they just started, you had to order online or go to a "boutique" shop). I said aww maybe we should get it, and than I remembered the coupon! SOLD!!!

So far, Monkey likes it. She loves that she can put the different parts of the giraffe in her mouth. As I type, she is gnawing on it!. She can easily hold it too! So I think it was a good "investment" AKA a good idea for our sanity! :)

Here are some pictures of Monkey and the Giraffe... ahhaha I crack myself up!

Monday, June 14, 2010



I tried to get a video but I swear she knows when the camera is out. I will try again when I can. I am soooo excited. I was jumping up and down and screaming. I can't believe how big my "baby girl" is getting! I loveee her soooo much!

Another Carrier! Yes Please!

So, you all know I have a mild obsession with carriers/wraps. I loveeeee our Beco but am always looking for a new one to try and love just as much. I came across a blog from The Bump who I enjoy reading. She is having a give away for an Ergo!

I would loveee to win it! I think it would be a great addition to our carriers and I wouldn't get in trouble from Eric because it's free!!! His favorite word!!!

So go and check out her post for the free Ergo and read some of her other stuff!

Takin Care of Twins

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Sorry I have been MIA as of late. I had a long week.

Last weekend we went to Maine. It was a good time. My brother and Mo went too. So it was nice to have us all together. I am sure my Mom loved it. Mom and Jeff had a party on Sat for Jeff's Big 55! It went well. There was a minor glitch and unfortunately it was a person so it could not be easily fixed! LOL. It was super hot and well Monkey hates the heat, so she wasn't really that nice! I am not sure what we are going to do throughout the Summer...

Here is Madelyn with her Aunt Mo...

"Hey, Aunt Mo, Why the heck is it so hot!?"

Went to work on Tuesday after having Friday and Monday off. It was bad and not a good start to my week. That's all I will say since Momma always told me "Never talk about work on the Internet".. But in order to cheer me up my husband and monkey brought me home a surprise when they went out....

Yesterday was the first day we got out for a walk. Between the rain and my intense need of sleep we didn't get out much this week. My back has been hurting like there is no tomorrow so Eric had to wear Monkey or fight with the stroller (it's in a small car trunk). He choose to wear her. He didn't like the wrap (it was to girly!) but he liked the Beco. She fell asleep on him half way through the walk and I think he thought that was pretty cool. I think she really enjoys the Beco.

Daddy and Monkey ready for the walk..

Hopefully this week will be better. Going to see Gram today and not sure what's in store for tomorrow. Maybe I won't feel as "down" this week. We will see. Hope you all have a good weekend!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thankful Thursday

* I am thankful that I have a 4 day weekend! I need a break from work!

* I am thankful I am going to my Mom's for the weekend in Maine!

* I am thankful for fish tanks and my Monkey! Madelyn loves looking at our Cichlid tank. She likes it better than our tropical tank. I think because the Cichlid's are brighter. When we went to Lindsey and Jeff's she loved Jeff's tank! He has a saltwater tank, so the fish are really neat!

Here is her being curious!