Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thankful on Thursday

First - Do you like my new layout? I think blogger did a good job with the new options. They are no longer boring!

This week was definitely better than last week in the happiness department. So here goes my current list.

* I am thankful that my husband is officially back in school! Go Eric! It was a long decision process but he finally decided what he will go to school for and how we will do it. I am so excited for him to start this chapter and I know he will excel!

* I am thankful it is Thursday, why do you ask? Because that means there is ONE day sitting between me and vacation!!!!!!!! Vacation = sitting lake side with Grape Island Glass AKA my Mom :)

* I am thankful for the Go Baby Go! Crawl & Cruise Musical Jungle by Fisher Price. Monkey lovesssssss it! She likes to sit there and play with it and giggles insanely when the monkey sings!!!!

* I am thankful Madelyn can sit! I know it means she is getting older but it is great to let her sit and let her explore and play with toys. Plus, it makes it easier in stores, restaurants, and dinner time at home!

* I am thankful I got my new glasses, I can see again!!!! haha

* And as always, I am thankful for my daughter. No matter how rough my days are, she can always make me smile...
Madelyn with the singing monkey

Saturday, July 24, 2010

6 Months

Dear Madelyn,

I can not believe how big you have gotten. It feel like just yesterday you were born. I always knew that time flew by but now I really understand it more. You are already 6 months old. Where the time has went I am unsure.

What I do know is you change so much week to week, day to day. You can now sit on your own, eat some "nummies", sit in a highchair and shopping cart, you talk ALL the time, you giggle, smile, and just explore everything. Clearly, you bright up our lives.

It is so interesting to see you change even a little a day. It warms my heart. I can not wait to continue to see you grow but I can wait at how fast it all goes. Such a catch 22!

Now matter how fast you grow up or how much you learn, you will always have our hearts. We love you to pieces and always will. Whenever you need me and your daddy we will always be there, you can count on that.

With more love for you than ever imagined,
Mommy & Daddy

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thankful on a Thursday

I have missed a few weeks but unfortunately I am a ball of bad moods this week so not a whole lot on this list....

* I am thankful my vacation is soon, I need it so bad right now

* I am thankful for my Monkey, she brightens my day everyday and I needed it this week.

That's all folks.....


Just found another thing I am thankful for!

* I am thankful for the Sally Hansen Color Quick Nail Pen. It is awesome! I found it at Target for $1.82 (love target clearance) yesterday. Tried it out today and it only took me 2 minutes to do my nails and they look awesome!!! I did my nails in purple.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Over the weekend we went to the aquarium in Long Island. It was a long drive. The aquarium was okay, kind of small. I think it is really good for kids around 8-10. Lots of interactive stuff for that age range. Monkey still liked looking at the tanks just like she does at home.

We brought the stroller which turned out to be a good thing. We fed her in there, which worked out well. She also took a few naps in it when we were walking around, so that was nice.

She came home with a new outfit and the cutest baseball cap everrrrr (well not cuter than if a Yankee cap but she looks darn cute!)

I am going to warn you now, this is picture overload :)

Madelyn and Daddy looking at the fishies!

Loving the fishies!

Knocked out!

Loving the Aquarium! Full of giggles!

Knocked out with my new hat on!

Monday, July 19, 2010

No desktop computer = hardly any posts

I hate not having a desktop computer. I have my work one but it is for work, so I can not really "play" from there. We have a laptop but I loathe it. Every time it gets hot, it shuts off. It overheats all.the.time. I am not a fan. I like desktops! We have been looking but I am bit of a cheapskate and I HATE parting with money. So this has been a bit hard. Hopefully the mister will find something soon that I won't cry over the price at.

Any who, Monkey keeps on getting bigger! She now sits on her own! Sits in a shopping cart! Sits in highchairs when we are out!

As far as her eating goes - She loves carrots and squash. She hates peas. She will tolerate but doesn't love green beans and sweet potatoes! Oh, and she loves to drink out of a sippy cup. My baby girl is getting big!

Feeding herself carrots! She loves them!

First time in the high-chair when we were out!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July Weekend

We had a very lovely 4th of July Weekend. On Saturday, we went for a walk downtown and perused all the shops. We than got some yummy pizza and had a picnic on the green under a nice shady tree!

It was a really great day. We enjoyed each other's company and just hung out. It was nice to not have to be rushing off somewhere. Monkey loves being outside. She was so content while we were walking and than playing on the blankets.

We took pictures and had lots of "takes" at a family picture. None came out to well though! I sweat she knows when a camera is around and changes her faces to annoy the picture taker! haha

Laying on the green! Do you like my drool?!

Sunday our Landlords had a picnic in the back yard. Lots and lots of food! We hung out there and put Monkey in her tiny 2 foot pool. She loved it because she can sit. Since she was sitting in it she splashed and splashed and splashed. She has really found her feet/legs and was kicking them everywhere. I am pretty sure by the time we were done, there was more water on the pavement than in her pool!

Monday we had a meeting with a lawyer to make our wills. It is such a morbid thing to do as there is so much talk about if and when you perish.. ughhh.. After that we went to see my Gram. We hung out in the pool there and had a blast. Madelyn really likes to be in water. She was splashing away and kicking away. It was fun! Eric actually went in the pool AGAIN! We were soo excited. He was even hanging out in it alone after I got out!!! It was crazy! Than we just hung out with Gram for a bit. It was a nice afternoon.

So overall we had a very nice and relaxing 4th of July weekend. Back to the grind today. ::sigh::

First time in the pool!

I love water. I grew up with a pool and around 2 different lakes. I would spend as much time in the water as I could. As I have gotten older I have moved farther away from water, not by choice. I no longer have a pool in my backyard to use as I please. I no longer "live" in my Grandparents old lake house every weekend. It is a bummer. I miss those sweet lake and pool days.

My goal is to have Madelyn love the water as well, her father doesn't and I really want her to know the joys. If she doesn't love the water that is fine but she will know how to swim. There is no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

So last weekend it was HOT here. Both my Aunt and Eric's Aunt have pools. So last Saturday we went to visit my Grandma and we went in my Aunt's in ground pool. It was Monkey's first time in a pool (besides our tiny 3 feet foam one, that only gets her feet wet). I am proud to say, she loved it. She was splashing and kicking! One of the best parts of it, was she got her father to go in with her! I had to capture it on camera! Eric hardly ever goes in the water, I am always in alone!

The following day we went to Eric's Aunts for a day in the pool with the family. We jumped right in and she LOVED it. No pictures from this day, oops! But she just hung out with me. I am pretty sure if I didn't take her out, she would have sat in the pool with me ALL day! She was so content.

I can not wait for our vacation to my Moms. Mom lives on one of the two lakes I grew up going to. I used to play in the water with my parents and brother all day long. I can not wait for us to bring Madelyn in the lake too. It will truly be special as I have so many memories at the lake. I know my Dad will be there watching because we used to just sit in tubes all day together!

Madelyn just "chillen" in the pool with Dad!

Monday, July 5, 2010

First Solids!

So when Madelyn turned 5 months we started her on cereal. She started with Rice and is now on to Oatmeal and will have Barley before we move to vegetables and fruits. She didn't like the Rice at all. She likes the Oatmeal much better and actually takes the spoon and "slurpes" it herself!

Here is a picture time line of how the first time eating the cereal went....

Oh cool, I got a new seat!!! YAY!!!

What the heck is that thing!?

EWWW! That is Gross!

You stay away from me, you hear?!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

First trip to the zoo

A couple of weeks back I took a day off and we went to the Bronx Zoo. I have never been there before and Eric went when he was little. We love zoos and have been itching to bring Monkey. So we went on a Wednesday because it is donation day. Basically, you just give them any amount of money to get in. Going to the Bronx Zoo was part of Eric's Father's Day present.

I was going to wear her but it was hot. We had her in the stroller instead and I am glad we did. She was able to see a lot and sleep when she wanted. We took her out a bunch too to see the exhibits and animals etc. Much to my satisfaction, as I love them too, Madelyn loved the butterflies! She would watch them flutter all around her! It was so awesome. They would fly by her head and she would whip around watching them. It was pretty cool to watch.

We saw tons of animals, gorillas, monkeys, giraffes!!, sea lions, birds, etc... Madelyn didn't look that interested in anything else. She would look at them but that is it.

We can not wait to take her again when she is a little bit older. When she will get excited at the animals and want to see them all!

Madelyn having fun at the zoo!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Hey All, I still have a bunch of blogs I have to get up. We still don't have a new desktop - suggestions welcome! So I have to get the pictures onto the laptop. Hopefully, this weekend! I have a few "firsts" I need to put up!!

BUT.. the reason for this blog is because my wonderful mother has a website! She is a great artist who makes fused glass pieces. She can make dishes, jewerly, wind chimes, candle holders, etc.. the list goes on! All her stuff is beautiful!

Her site just started so it's in the beginning phase but check it out and bookmark it! Great gifts for yourself, birthdays, holidays, and house warmings etc!

Hope you enjoy!

Grape Island Glass