Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July Weekend

We had a very lovely 4th of July Weekend. On Saturday, we went for a walk downtown and perused all the shops. We than got some yummy pizza and had a picnic on the green under a nice shady tree!

It was a really great day. We enjoyed each other's company and just hung out. It was nice to not have to be rushing off somewhere. Monkey loves being outside. She was so content while we were walking and than playing on the blankets.

We took pictures and had lots of "takes" at a family picture. None came out to well though! I sweat she knows when a camera is around and changes her faces to annoy the picture taker! haha

Laying on the green! Do you like my drool?!

Sunday our Landlords had a picnic in the back yard. Lots and lots of food! We hung out there and put Monkey in her tiny 2 foot pool. She loved it because she can sit. Since she was sitting in it she splashed and splashed and splashed. She has really found her feet/legs and was kicking them everywhere. I am pretty sure by the time we were done, there was more water on the pavement than in her pool!

Monday we had a meeting with a lawyer to make our wills. It is such a morbid thing to do as there is so much talk about if and when you perish.. ughhh.. After that we went to see my Gram. We hung out in the pool there and had a blast. Madelyn really likes to be in water. She was splashing away and kicking away. It was fun! Eric actually went in the pool AGAIN! We were soo excited. He was even hanging out in it alone after I got out!!! It was crazy! Than we just hung out with Gram for a bit. It was a nice afternoon.

So overall we had a very nice and relaxing 4th of July weekend. Back to the grind today. ::sigh::

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