Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thankful on Thursday

First - Do you like my new layout? I think blogger did a good job with the new options. They are no longer boring!

This week was definitely better than last week in the happiness department. So here goes my current list.

* I am thankful that my husband is officially back in school! Go Eric! It was a long decision process but he finally decided what he will go to school for and how we will do it. I am so excited for him to start this chapter and I know he will excel!

* I am thankful it is Thursday, why do you ask? Because that means there is ONE day sitting between me and vacation!!!!!!!! Vacation = sitting lake side with Grape Island Glass AKA my Mom :)

* I am thankful for the Go Baby Go! Crawl & Cruise Musical Jungle by Fisher Price. Monkey lovesssssss it! She likes to sit there and play with it and giggles insanely when the monkey sings!!!!

* I am thankful Madelyn can sit! I know it means she is getting older but it is great to let her sit and let her explore and play with toys. Plus, it makes it easier in stores, restaurants, and dinner time at home!

* I am thankful I got my new glasses, I can see again!!!! haha

* And as always, I am thankful for my daughter. No matter how rough my days are, she can always make me smile...
Madelyn with the singing monkey

1 comment:

  1. First off, YAY for Eric going back to school! That is great! YAY for the lil growing monkey who is able to sit up. She is really growing up so fast!
    And lastly, I love the new background!
    Enjoy your vacation in Maine!!
