Sunday, July 4, 2010

First trip to the zoo

A couple of weeks back I took a day off and we went to the Bronx Zoo. I have never been there before and Eric went when he was little. We love zoos and have been itching to bring Monkey. So we went on a Wednesday because it is donation day. Basically, you just give them any amount of money to get in. Going to the Bronx Zoo was part of Eric's Father's Day present.

I was going to wear her but it was hot. We had her in the stroller instead and I am glad we did. She was able to see a lot and sleep when she wanted. We took her out a bunch too to see the exhibits and animals etc. Much to my satisfaction, as I love them too, Madelyn loved the butterflies! She would watch them flutter all around her! It was so awesome. They would fly by her head and she would whip around watching them. It was pretty cool to watch.

We saw tons of animals, gorillas, monkeys, giraffes!!, sea lions, birds, etc... Madelyn didn't look that interested in anything else. She would look at them but that is it.

We can not wait to take her again when she is a little bit older. When she will get excited at the animals and want to see them all!

Madelyn having fun at the zoo!

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