Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My Doctors Should Know Better...

then to scare me shitless! haha.

So yesterday was our normal weekly checkup. As the doctor was feeling my belly for the babe, his face dropped to an expressionless mess. He says in a low monotone "ohh, your baby is BIG and we need to get you in for an ultrasound", umm sir, I was 7 lbs, that's not going to work for me. He just stared at me so I said "okay, I cry with a paper cut, a big baby, I will be in for some huge trouble" again just stares.. So I sat there and hyperventilated and Eric laughed away to the end of the appointment.

We went in yesterday afternoon for the ultrasound, major bonus that we got to see baby girl again but I was still nervous. So the tech is doing all the measuring etc... and at the end tells us baby girl's size. Yea she is only 5 lbs 12 ozs and is in the 67th percentile which is in the middle and perfectly fine. She said in her opinion the baby is fine and not big. A feeling of ease rushed over me!

Eric and I were wondering why the Doctor thought she was so big then. Tech said that because I am sooo short there is no room really for the baby now. So if you feel my belly basically all you feel is baby... her back, butt etc... so it feels like a big baby. But if I was taller there would be more room and the baby would feel regular.

We did get a picture, of her foot!!!! haha.. She was facing my back so we were not able to get any good face pictures. But I love feet! Eric joked that she has his feet! Poor girl!!!!

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