Sunday, December 6, 2009


So today I had unusual energy. It all started because I wanted to do the dishes. So I did the dishes. Then I cleaned off the counter, noticing that the ledge needed to be cleaned. So I cleaned that, well then I did not like the way the counter was set up and I wanted to move some things. Moving some things meant cleaning the hutch. Cleaning the hutch meant cleaning the side cart, which ultimately made me go through our mugs and make a pile for goodwill! And thus I came to the theory that I was nesting.

I never have energy and if I do, I certainly do not utilize it on cleaning. I loath cleaning, it is my arch enemy! So logic says I was nesting... but Mom says nesting is a sign of the baby being ready... hmmmm... I still have 6 weeks to go! I am not ready, so I stopped and sat on the couch LOL Sat on the couch for an hour or so and couldn't take it anymore. So I moved some stuff out of the living room and threw out more unnecessary items! Then 2 more people commented on how I must be nesting and that means the baby could be coming soon. Again, I thought to myself... NOO this is a January baby not a DECEMBER baby... no jipping my kid on presents!!! lol

So I stopped again, had some lunch and began football Sunday. But I was bored.. so I wrote out all the Christmas Cards and got them ready to be mailed! Wow, it's December 6th and I am ready to mail Christmas Cards?!? Oh lordy! Well I figure it's okay, since we got 2 in the mail last week. So at least I am not the only one being early!!

And now, I am waiting for the Brownies to come out the oven.... oh man.. who the hell made up this nesting thing....

P.S. in case you didn't believe me...

Here is my hutch, if you have been to my house and seen this hutch, you know this is like a brand new looking hutch!

and here is the cart.. again if you have been here this is unusual...