Monday, May 3, 2010

McFatty Monday

Weight - 193

Well I stayed even. I am not surprised as this will be a gradual thing and will take time. I am just glad I did not gain at this point.

I did cut back on certain foods. I will have to do more. We actually have started to make a menu and have all the dinners set up. Hopefully, that will help instead of just figureing something out last minute.

We walked every day that it was nice out. So that was good. I also did Wii Fit twice. I wanted to start it again. So I am going to try and make that a regular thing. My problem is finding the time. There is no way I can wake up any earlier than I already do. Doing it after work won't work as we normally go for a walk and than I take over Madelyn playing etc.. since Eric does it all day. So I am thinking I might try and do it during the day on lunch? Hmmm.. We will see, maybe I will try today.

As I told you, I got this idea from a great blogger. Every Mcfatty entry she has questions to be answered to help motivate and give ideas to each other. This week Blair's question was - What do you do while traveling on the road for your diet?

Normally when we drive to my mom's we bring our own snacks. We like cheese and crackers and we bring water and powerade. Sometimes we do have to stop and at that point I am usually to tired/cranky to think about eating healthy. So that's why we try and be prepared with good snacks.


  1. Finding the time to fit in working out is the hardest part. Once you get a routine in place, it gets easier - keep it up though!

  2. I bought a Wii and all of the accessories with high hopes that I would jump start my weight loss... Guess what... I didn't. I totally believe that it can help - but for me, it was just one more thing to sit on my couch and do. Mario Brothers called to me!

    Good luck! You'll get there, just don't give up!

  3. Yeah finding the time and when you do convincing yourself you want to spend it barely breathing and sweating is a little harder.Keep it up.
