Friday, September 16, 2011


Oh Friday how I am in love with thee this week! Thank you for finally getting here. We have had an interesting week.

My mouth has been hurting on and off since last Wednesday, right after my dental appointment.. hmmm... But this Wednesday took the cake. I could not open my mouth. It hurt to eat, swallow, talk (much to my husbands pleasure) and just be. I called the doctor and they told me to come down. Normally, I will not come in during the day but wait as late as possible. I do not like to miss work if I can help it. I knew the pain was bad when I told her I would be in as soon as the drive took me!

The dentist checked all my joints and muscles in the mouth, did a panorama, and put me in even more pain. He decided it was my upper wisdom tooth. I had my two lowers pulled a few years back. My two uppers were really not a problem. Even last week the culprit had come in and they said it was fine. Well guess they were wrong. They got me into an emergency surgery slot.

By 4 pm Wednesday, I was sitting in my car, numb, drooly, and unruly! ha. The whole extraction took 30 minutes, but the actual tooth removal took the Doctor a minute. Seriously, one minute. I was shocked it was so quick. They couldn't put me under since it was an emergency and you have to fast and all this other nonsense. So it was Novocaine I got. I was scared shit less. I am not one to openly like having any procedure done. I think the worst. Basically, I am a pessimist to the max. He had major problems with my bottom two, so I was envisioning the same ruthlessness. I am glad I was wrong.

So what happen was.... my upper wisdom tooth came down and was pushing to far into my cheek. It caused an infection in my cheek and thus the ability to open and close my mouth was revoked! After the tooth was removed and I got some Amoxicillin in me, I feel good. I still have to be cautious with what I eat for the remainder of the week but I am not in pain and that my friends is wonderful. 

Hope you enjoy the weekend, it is nice and brisk here. Hopefully, fall stays around for a bit!

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