Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I love Fall. My favorite season is Winter but Fall sometimes gives Winter a run for its money. Fall is beautiful. The leaves are always amazing. The nice cool days and nights are wonderful. No AC, just open windows. I love cold, I hate warm. So it is only fitting that fall and winter are my favorties.

This year, since we have our own home, I wanted MUMS. I love mums, they are so pretty and they are a typical fall "thing". So we bought some mums the other day. I put them on the front step and stood there with an eat-shitting grin on! I was so happy. I have not repotted them yet because my neck was so sore but it is on the to do list. I snapped a picture though of them on the stairs as is, hopefully you will grin too. I can not wait to see them all opened! (disclaimer, two are Mums and one is an Asteria)

The other thing about fall is Halloween which is so much fun with a kid. we are still debating on what she will be. We think either a strawberry or a watermelon! I am cheap though, so I have to wait to see where I can get a coupon for, to help us decide lol. I already started looking at Halloween decroations for the porch and front door. We are definitly having candy! I can't wait to watch Madelyn walk up and down the sidewalks to get candy, that Eric and I will probably eat. :)


  1. I vote strawberry (because she could have a little hat that is the green leafy part of the berry!) although I am partial to watermelon - come see my kitchen, i have MANY watermelon things.

    Is it weird that I feel like I need to purchase mums and pumpkins and such for my front steps as well?? Maybe it's a homeowner thing!

  2. Oh Man, my heart aches when I read this. This time of year in CT is just so freakin awesome, I miss it. And you. Just imagine spending Halloween together, how great would that be. Oh well, but the plans for next year are coming along!!! Keep posting those great pictures, I wish I had a front step to put something on. Not too many people check out our 3rd floor balcony, you know ;-) Can't believe how big Madelyn is already, I'm missing all the good stuff :-(
    But soon, very soon we will make this happen. Can't wait!
    Love you a million times over
