Friday, November 4, 2011


I am glad that Madelyn was not older this Halloween because it sucked was not great. Since the snow storm had come through over the weekend, there were so many downed power lines, trees, and no power that they cancelled Halloween. Our mayor decided he was not going to reschedule it either.

So poor Madelyn was all dressed up and ready but could not go door to door. My brother and his wife were over though and they helped make it fun. We had Madelyn go around the living room and trick or treat to us! It was cute and honestly she was SUPER excited. She even managed to say something that sounded like "trick or treat".

They left to go to a concert and we were feeling pretty down for Madelyn. Although, I don't think she even noticed. So we packed her up and brought her to her cousins house. They had their light on and had a few trick or treaters so we figured we could hang. Madelyn went to one of the neighbor's houses there.

She then got to play with her cousin. They ran around SCREAMING for most of the night lol. It was actually very amusing. They eventually calmed down and I got several pics of them being very cute. Hopefully next year will be better, because by then, she might actually understand what you do on Halloween!

My little strawberry. That is her Uncle Matt next to her.

Our attempt at a family picture

Madelyn with her cousin, Gideon

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